

Imagine a combination of photos and videos artfully displayed with the music of your choice. It's a powerful way to share memories or say “I love you”,  “Congratulations”,  “We will never forget”, “This is our story”. 

From a 3 minute highlight of a memorable family vacation to a 30 minute lifetime video, these are custom tailored productions for your special event or loved one. Satisfaction is our guarantee.

Need a unique idea for any occasion?

A PhotoVideo Keepsake™ combines your photos and/or slides along with your choice of music to create a video honoring a special person. These can run from fifty photos or even fewer to as many as three hundred or more. You can also add video clips if you wish. We usually add beginning and ending titles to the production, as well as some simple transitions between the photos. Then we put it all on a DVD or a video file for easy viewing.

Contact us today to start
preserving your precious memories.

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